Young Men Basketball Games for 22 Feb have been cancelled due to both buildings being unavailable. Region games will begin in March, stay tuned.
Emergency Preparedness Fair this Saturday at 9:00am
Save the date! Trek Kickoff Fireside: 09 Mar 7:00pm

Missionary Work

Letter from Stake Missionary Committee

01 Sep 2023

Brothers and Sisters,

We just wanted to thank you all for your efforts in setting goals to reach out and find 10 non-members and inviting them to hear the missionary discussions from our wonderful sister missionaries for the month of August. We know that prayers have been answered and will continue as we all love, share and invite those around us. If you were unable to reach the goal in August, we invite you to continue your efforts into September.

We love the energy that was accomplished with the goal that President O'Hara asked of us. As we follow our leaders, we will be blessed. Stake and General Conference are wonderful opportunities to invite our friends and neighbors and returning members to come and feel the Spirit of the Lord.

Again, thank you for your efforts. We love you!

Stake Mission Committee

Letter from Stake Missionary Committee

17 Jul 2023

Dear Stake and Ward Leaders,

Thank you for all that you do! President Russell M Nelson has said, "The gathering of Israel is the greatest challenge, the greatest cause and the greatest work on earth today." In an effort to do our part in the gathering of Israel, President O'Hara has asked that each Ward/Branch invite 10 non-members to listen to the missionary discussions. We ask that this be done by the end of August.

To prepare for this goal, we encourage you to continue praying for missionary opportunities. In addition, we invite you to fast for names who would best identify as someone to hear the missionary discussions. We ask that Elders Quorums, Relief Societies, YM/YW brothers and sisters counsel together as the best way to make this goal achievable. We know each of you are aware that we must love, share, then invite to have success in missionary work. We are also aware that there might be some that decline the invitation, but we also know the Lord will bless us in our attempts.

We love you brothers and sisters! We know this will bless the lives of all those involved.

May the Lord bless each one of you is our prayer.

Stake Missionary Committee