Save the date! Trek Kickoff Fireside: 09 Mar 7:00pm
Snow Removal
{{ bldgInfo(sched.building) }}
By Ward
{{ wardSched.ward.Abbreviation }}
{{ wardSched.ward.Name }}
{{ toMonthAbbr(wardSched.schedule.Months) }}
Snow is to be removed on Sundays before Sacrament Meetings begin at 9:00am.
Snow is to be removed on Tues-Thurs before activities begin at 4:00pm and 7:00pm
Check your building's calendar and ensure snow is removed prior to any other scheduled events in your building Ensure you can view your building's calendar (see screenshot)
Bldg 1 - Stake Center, Riverton Central (MM, R13, R17, RF)
Bldg 11 - 2700 W. (HF, OQ, R10)
Riverton Park (R3)
Stake Center
Adults may use the snow blower in the shed. Follow all instructions posted in the shed for using it. Make safety a priority.
There are shovels and ice melt containers at each doorway to the building.
Please refill the ice melt containers after each day you remove snow.
Extra ice melt for refills are in a garbage can in the shed.