Save the date! Trek Kickoff Fireside: 09 Mar 7:00pm

Park Avenue Branch Support Schedules

Riverton Utah Central Stake

Ward Months
{{ wsm.ward.Name }} {{ wsm.months.join(', ') }}

(Wards with 09:00am start times are assigned only one month per year)

The Park Avenue Branch meets in the Coventry Cove apartments lobby at 2091 W Park Avenue, Riverton (located just behind the post office.) The branch office is suite 116.

Each month a different ward in the stake is assigned to assist the Park Avenue Branch with:

  • Sacrament: During the assigned month, the ward is requested to have an ADULT Young Men's Leader bring TWO Priests to prepare and bless the sacrament and THREE Deacons to pass the sacrament. Please arrive by 9:05am SHARP. This team will be excused once the sacrament ordinance is over, or they may wish to stay to the end of the meeting at 10:20am.
  • As needed, you will be notified with requests for the following assistance:
    • Move-ins/move-outs
    • Funerals
    • Assist with recording family history
    • Young Women to assist sisters with light housecleaning
    • Other assignments as needed