Save the date! Trek Kickoff Fireside: 09 Mar 7:00pm

2019 Sprints - Riverton 17th Ward

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January 2019 - Missionaries love to get words of encouragement and thanks from anyone, especially their ward family.


Make a missionary's day by writing an email or letter to a missionary serving a full-time mission from your ward, stake or extended family, thanking them for their service and offering words of encouragement.

Do one or more of the following suggestions, or something else that works better for you.

  1. Write one letter/email of encouragement and thanks to a missionary from your ward, stake or extended family. Share your experience with your family, possibly at a Family Home Evening or dinner.

* Extra Mile *

Write emails/letters to multiple missionaries.

February 2019 - Family History Plan


Plan to participate in temple and family history work this year.

Do one or more of the following suggestions, or something else that works better for you.

  1. Hold one or more family councils or family home evenings to create or update, then implement a written family history plan for your family.
  2. Create or update, then implement a written family history plan for yourself.

Helpful Hints:

  • Place goals and plans where you will see them often and put them into action.
  • Meet with your ward family history consultants and have them help you create your family history plan.
  • Create some key indicators to help you measure your progress. Examples of key indicators are: number of ancestor names found and number of temple ordinances performed for ancestors. Set goals for each key indicator. Track your performance through the year in a visible place.
  • As part of your plan, be sure to commit to setting aside time for family history and temple work on a regular basis. Be prayerful, identify 'next steps' and go forward with faith.

March 2019 - "I am my brother's keeper". Who am I going to invite to come unto Christ by inviting them to a church activity?


The power of prayer is real. Pray for a less-active or non-member to strive to see them as Christ sees them. Befriend them and invite them to a church activity/party or to be taught the gospel by the full-time missionaries.

Do one or more of the following suggestions, or something else that works better for you.

  1. Invite someone to a church activity
  2. Invite someone to be taught the gospel by the missionaries
  3. Record your experience inviting others in your journal. Share your experience with your family, possibly at a family home evening or dinner.

* Extra Mile *

Instead of only praying for them, go the extra mile to be more Christ-like toward them by serving them sometime during the month.

April 2019 - Temple Service


Strengthen eternal family bonds through temple service.

Do one or more of the following suggestions, or something else that works better for you.

  1. Search or your personal genealogy records for family members needing temple work, reserve the needed ordinances in, and perform the temple ordinance work.
  2. Teach others how to find the name of a family member and take it to the temple.
  3. If you do not currently have a temple recommend, meet with your Bishop and set goals to obtain one.

Helpful Hints:

  • Utilize other resources in researching family history (ex: Family Tree, RootsMagic, Ancestral Quest, Ancestry), family records (ex: Books of Rememberance, journals, certificates) and online resources such as Google, blogs, family websites, etc.)
  • If you need help completing the temple work, invite family/friends to help.
  • Contact the ward family history consultants or visit one of the Family Search libraries if you would like help.
  • Share your experience in your journal and with your family, possibly at a family home evening or dinner.

May 2019 - Share Happiness


Build or improve relationships with your less active or non-member friends and family.

Do one or more of the following suggestions, or something else that works better for you.

  1. Invite a friend or family member to an activity in your home such as Family Home Evening, movie night, game night, dessert night, etc. that they might experience an environment where the Spirit is present.
  2. Invite a friend or family member to a sporting event such as church sports, school sports or other games. Be a good example and build a strong relationship.

Helpful Hints:

  • If you are a youth and there is another youth in the stake that isn't planning on attending youth conference, reach out to them and invite them to attend.
  • Follow up on your invitations even if the answer was 'No'. Continue to be a friend and to invite them to participate. Never give up!
  • Share your experience in your journal and with your family, possibly at a Family Home Evening or dinner.
  • Assess your progress toward your missionary goals and plans you created at the beginning of the year; make adjustments as needed.
  • Report the completion of this Sprint

June 2019 - Temple Blessings


Learn about the temple and ordinances.

Do one or more of the following suggestions, or something else that works better for you.

  1. Visit a temple as a family and share your feelings about temple work. Also discuss the next ordinance each family member needs and how to prepare to receive that ordinance.
  2. Visit with a ward family history consultant to learn a new skill.
  3. Evaluate how you are doing with your family history plan for the year and make adjustments.

July 2019 - Do you have the courage to share the power of the scriptures?


The Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion and central to many of our testimonies. Obtain a copy of The Book of Mormon, highlight a few of your favorite scriptures and write your testimony in the cover. Then EITHER give it to the missionaries to hand out or give it to a less-active or non-member friend.

Do one or more of the following suggestions, or something else that works better for you.

  1. Give the copy of The Book of Mormon to the missionaries to pass along
  2. Give the copy of The Book of Mormon to a friend
  3. Share your experience with family, possibly at a Family Home Evening or dinner.
  4. Share your experience with a class/quorum

* Extra Mile *

Do both; give a Book of Mormon to a missionary and one to a friend. Hand the book to the friend personally and share your testimony with them.

August 2019 - Digging Up the Past


We have been blessed with a significant amount of resources to further God's work in the latter days. One of these resources,, allows us to seek out our ancestors, and bless their lives beyond the veil by completing temple work in their name. The purpose of this sprint is to increase your familiarity with these Family History resources. By accomplishing one of the activities listed below, not only will your knowledge of these resources be nurtured, but also your testimony of aiding those beyond the veil will be strengthened.

Do one or more of the following suggestions, or something else that works better for you.

  1. Visit a Family Search Library, such as our local Riverton FamilySearch Library, and learn of the resources available there. While there, work on your family tree.
  2. Discover your closest relative in the stake (besides your immediate family) on and record your relationship with them.
    A group has been created on Relative Finder to make this easier.
    To join:
    • Click to join the rcstake group
    • Log in to Relative Finder using your account.
    • If these steps don't work, after you are logged in to Relative Finder:
      • Hover/click 'Groups', then click 'Join' in the top navigation bar
      • Type 'rcstake' when asked for the group's name
      • Select the 'rcstake' group (note: there are two groups with the same 'rcstake' ID at the time of this writing; select the one whose Group Description is 'Riverton Central Stake' and Group Owner is 'T. Banner'; there are over 600 members)
      • Use 'rcstake' as the password

September 2019 - Feed my Sheep


Have a missionary experience by sharing a favorite family recipe.

Do one or more of the following suggestions, or something else that works better for you.

  1. Make a dish from a family recipe and share it with antoher family you feel could use a helping hand.
  2. Invite another family who has just moved in or you don't know as well, over for dinner or dessert.

Helpful Hints:

October 2019 - Lost and Found


Find ancestors whose temple ordinance work has not been completed or not started, and learn about them. If you find new ancestors, add them to and perform their temple work. This will help you develop a love for your ancestors as you learn about their life and their place in history.

Do one or more of the following suggestions, or something else that works better for you.

  1. Find a name to take to the temple (and do the work in the temple). If you can't find a name, help someone (preferable someone in your family) finish the work that they started and have them tell you what they learned about that person. Together you will share the joy of learning about your ancestors.
  2. Ask a family member to tell you a new story about your ancestors. Record it on or in your journal.

November 2019 - Missionary Work - My Message


The goal of this sprint is to influence people around you for good and to share the Gospel, including your testimony of Jesus Christ. Sharing is Caring - #mymessage

Do one or more of the following suggestions, or something else that works better for you.

  1. Find a Mormon Message, a General Conference talk, or a quote from a General Authority and put it on your social media accounts along with your feelings about it or testimony.
  2. Write your favorite scripture in your journal and tell why it is your favorite and/or write your testimony in your journal and why it is important to you. Then share your feelings or some of the things you wrote about with someone.

* Extra Mile *

Do both the writing in your journal and post on social media. One will help yourself and your descendants, and the other will help benefit the world aroudn you now.

December 2019 - Exploring Your Roots


Explore your family's roots.

Do one or more of the following suggestions, or something else that works better for you.

  1. Discover a family crest. If you are unable to locate a family crest then create one! Talk with other family members about what they think would represent your families' heritage.
  2. Find a family heirloom and learn the story behind it. Examples would be recipes, jewelry, art work, furniture, etc. A family heirloom is an item that is passed down from one generation to the next. You can also use the Riverton Family Search Library to photograph and record the family heirloom.