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Would you like to help develop the website? Learn more »

Would you like to help develop

Whether you are already a professional web developer, hobbyist or student studying the art of web development, and you are interested in helping with the development of the Stake website, we would love your help! was built to solve communication gaps and ensure all members have a solid place to go to get information about all things going on in the Riverton Central Stake. We strive to keep information as up-to-date and reliable as possible.

You have the opportunity to help us include additional functionality such as:

Here are the technologies we employ in the website. You don't need to know them all ... we can help you learn what you don't already know.

We integrate with Google Docs to allow others in various organizations of the Stake to control some of their content on the site. Google Docs also power the Ward pages. (NOTE: Not all wards participate in Ward pages yet; contact your Bishop to access yours if available.)

If you are interested in helping, send an email to Jeff Litster. Please include your name, and let me know a little of your background and interests related to web development! I look forward to chatting with you.