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Check up-to-date Region Basketball Schedules
Trek Kickoff Fireside: 09 Mar 7:00pm



Sports Directors

Young Women
Kim Brown:
Krista McMillan:
Young Men
Gary Young:
Mark Mills:



Contact Gary Young at or Kimi Brown at with any youth sports questions.

Young Men Basketball

Young Men Basketball season begins on 04 Jan 2025!  Check the “Schedules” tab for dates and times, and quick links for adding games to your calendar.

ADULTS (18+)

Contact Krista McMillan at or Mark Mills at with any adult sports questions.


EVERY Monday 9:00am-10:00am at the Stake Center year round. Bring a mat and weights for strength training and HIIT workouts led by Melanie Banner. (When the church is unavailable she does classes on the Facebook Page “Riverton Central Neighborhood Exercise Class”, where there are also recorded classes if you wish to do them at a time that works better for you. You need to request to join this page.  Melanie also teaches live on her Facebook Page “Happy Being Healthy” every TH from 9:00-10:00am). To get updates and reminders about workouts please enter this number: 81010 and text this message: @4aa8dh to be added to Melanie’s Remind list. If she has to do the workout online or if she has to cancel, this is how she notifies us.


See Triathlon Results here.

See Triathlon Photos here.


(Clicking links will show/hide the schedules)

URGENT Region Basketball Notices


Both MM and R13 win Round 1 by forfeit and are automatically advanced to Round 2. DO NOT show up for your games scheduled for 06 Mar 2025 because the Bluffdale teams are unable to play.


I hopefully have succeeded in working around the defect Challonge exhibited with the games scheduled for 11 Mar that were showing on Challonge brackets as 04 Mar. The dates on this site should be accurate now.

I added some forfeit detection as well, so those should show in the schedules now (see "2025 Teachers Basketball" games scheduled for 06 Mar which were mentioned above.

Keep checking here for last-minutes notices. We will try to stay on top of things as best we can.
Region Basketball Location Details
{{ location.Name }}
{{ location.Name }}
{{ location.Address }}
{{ location.Abbreviations }} on Challonge brackets
NOTE: You can click on the Location badges above and in the game schedules below to open the Map/Directions on your phone or computer!
Region Basketball Game Rules
High School Rules and Church Eligibility Rules

Youth who played on a High School team during the 2024-2025 season, Freshman through Varsity are NOT eligible for the Region Tournament.

  • Games will have 6-minute quarters, clock stops on each whistle.
  • Each team is allowed 2 time-outs per half. Time-outs do NOT carry over to the next half.
  • Bonus is the same as the Utah High School rules; at 5 team fouls, and each foul thereafter, the fouled player gets 2 foul shots or free throws. There is no on and one foul shot scenarios in this tournament.
  • OVERTIME: 3-minute period, each team gets 1 time out. Bonus from 4th Quarter carries over into Overtime.
  • 2ND OVERTIME: If the game is tied at the end of the first Overtime, the first team to score a POINT in the 2nd Overtime (1, 2, or 3-point shot) wins the game.
  • Full Court Press rules

    NO FULL COURT PRESS unless the game is within 10 points, with 1 minute left in the 4th Quarter or Overtime.


    Full Court Press is allowed.

... Loading schedules ...

{{ schedule.scheduleName }}

Last Update: {{ date(schedule.lastUpdated || getLastKnownUpdate(schedule.scheduleName), 'N/A') }}
see bracket at
{{ date(sched[0].gameTime) }} {{ sched[0].name }}
{{ getGameTime(game) }}
{{ game.notes }}
{{ game.location }}
updated {{ date(game.lastUpdated) }}
{{ }} {{ }}
{{ game.team1Score }}
{{ }} {{ }}
{{ game.team2Score }}